Yuqing Li


  • B.S. 2016: Tianjin normal university

  • M.S. 2019: Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry

  • Ph.D. 2023: Nanjing University

  • yuqingli[at]illinois.edu

    Yuqing grew up in Gansu, China. He received his B.S. in organic chemistry in 2016, and then began his M.S. study at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry under the guidance of Prof. Wen Liu, working on the discovery of new thioviridamides and their biosynthetic pathway. In 2023, He received his Ph.D. at Nanjing University with Prof. Huan Wang, where he focused on the discovery and biosynthesis of structurally novel Class III lanthipeptides. In the van der Donk lab, he is working on yeast surface display project.